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Last updated
The list of commands is available in Telegram, in the bot's menu.
Allows you to launch a rewarded raid with our raid bot. You can launch a raid with
or /smash [link] [likes] [reposts] [replies] [bookmarks] [duration]
[duration] is optional; This allows you to manually set the desired duration of the raid (5, 19, 30, 60, ...) minutes.
For a 30 minutes raid :
/smash [link] [likes] [reposts] [replies] [bookmarks] 30
/smashnext [link] [likes] [reposts] [replies] [bookmarks] 30
For a 5 minutes raid :
/smash [link] [likes] [reposts] [replies] [bookmarks] 5
/smashnext [link] [likes] [reposts] [replies] [bookmarks] 5
In the premium version, you can choose whether or not to reward a /smash. A menu will appear after configuring the smash to ask if you want to boost the /smash or if you want to disable rewards for this raid. If you have reached your daily limit for paid raids (), the raid will start with rewards disabled. Learn more about the reward status.
Learn more about the subscription-related limits.
This command launches a second raid simultaneously with the first, all within the same raid visual.
The raid initiated with /smashnext
receives the same boost as the previous raid.
Each raid then operates independently. When one raid ends, it shows a summary of the rewards for that raid, while the other raid continues.
When a raid ends, you can start a new raid using /smashnext
. You cannot launch more than 2 rewarded raids simultaneously with /smash
If you use /shield
or /raid
, you can choose to run 3 raids at the same time: 2 rewarded and 1 non-rewarded. Thatâs quite a lot!
This command allows you to cancel all actions related to the MRM bot, either in the Telegram group chat or in a private message with the bot.
When you launch multiple raids, such as one with /shield and another with /smash, if you want to cancel just one of them, use the /cancel commands provided by Telegram to target the correct bot, such as /cancel@MagicRaidMoney_bot
or /cancel@ChatterShield_Bot
When executing a /setup
command, the /cancel
command allows you to quickly return to the main menu .
The /more
command allows you to add an additional list of smash links. When this list contains at least one link, the 'More smash đĨ' button appears at the bottom of the raid window. By clicking on it, each raider will receive the links from the list via private message, allowing them to get a head start on the following raids.
You can also include YouTube, Medium, Reddit, and TikTok links in this list.
/more {link}
or /more {link} remove
to remove a link from the list.
The links in this list do not automatically turn into smashes. The goal is to get a head start or store raid links when smash and smashnext are unavailable. The links have a lifespan of 30 minutes in the list
The /boost
command allows you to modify the boost or disable/enable the rewards of an ongoing raid.
Stops the setup of an ongoing raid. This command will be useful in version 1.1. Wait and see.
Allows you to view the list of people banned from the reward system of your community.
Allows you to ban, using the X account username, the entire MRM account from your community that has not followed the rules. This means you are banning both the X account and the associated Telegram account from your reward system.
You can ban for a specific number of days if you wish by entering /banmrm @username 2 ,
where "2" is the number of days the user will be banned. You can specify a larger or smaller number of days as needed.
Allows you to remove, using the X username, an MRM account and its associated X account from the banned list.
If the commands are entered with a capital letter, like /Smash, they will not work.
Commands such as /setup or /cancel may conflict with other bots. We recommend using the command suggested by Telegram's autocomplete, which formats the command as /setup@MagicRaidMoney_bot or /cancel@MagicRaidMoney_bot