Last updated
Last updated
An MRM Raider account is required to claim rewards distributed by communities. Follow the procedure to link your X account and wallet to your MRM account.
You can execute /signup
in a TG group where the bot MRM is installed, or in a private message with the bot at
Once the initial registration is completed:
Modify your X account by entering /signup x
Modify your wallet by entering /signup w
An X account can only be linked to one MRM account.
To prevent fraud in the system, changing portfolios cancels unclaimed rewards.
đĨ Following the latest update, you can now add 2 X accounts to your main account. This allows multi-community raiders to participate with different accounts.
To add a second X account: /signup x2
To add a third X account: /signup x3
To remove an X account: /signup x2 remove
or /signup x3 remove
You cannot delete the primary X account. You can only change it by using /signup x
Of course, only one MRM account can be rewarded per raid. There is no benefit to raiding the same MRM account with all 3 X accounts...
You must enter this command either in a private message with the bot or in a Telegram group chat that includes the MRM bot to claim your tokens.
The bot will provide you with a link to your MRM profile, where you can claim your rewards.
The claim currently only works with the Phantom wallet.
Only the wallet registered in your MRM account can make the claim. If you sign the transaction and it doesn't go through, our system will re-credit your account with the claimed rewards after 15 minutes. đĄī¸
The raider pays the transaction fees when making a claim. You can claim even if you don't have the token in your wallet.
You must have an associated token account for the token you want to claim. This means you need to have the token you wish to claim in your wallet.
If you don't have it, the program will automatically create this associated token account during the claim process. The cost for this, set by SOLANA, is 2039280 LAMPORTS, which equals 0.00203928 Sol.
This command displays raid/reward information for each community :
Display the address of the vault where you can deposit reward tokens for your community
Status of the reward system, whether it is enabled or disabled
Reward token
Total rewards already distributed
Max daily earnings
Subscription and its limits
Raid rules
Reward conditions
The link to the community's MRM dashboard
To have the robot immediately update your new $MIM balance, enabling you to benefit from the bonus or other tokens needed to collect rewards in your wallet after a transfer, run the /update
You can cancel any ongoing action with the MRM bot at any time by using the /cancel
If the commands are entered with a capital letter, like /Reward
, they will not work.