Magic Raid Money Bot is a Telegram-based RAID reward bot, currently designed for Solana communities.
The bot is accompanied by a dashboard that provides advanced details on raids and rewards.
Forget the inconsistencies of other raid bots. MRM is simple, clear, and intuitive. It is secure for communities and reassuring for raiders.
This makes your raids much more exciting and helps increase the organic engagement of your community members. The wizards' motto $MIM, TO INFINITY 🚀
Main features
Reward with your own community token.
Configurable rewards : you choose the amount of reward for a reply or repost.
Base your rewards on the $ dollar, with your token price updating automatically before each raid, or specify a fixed reward amount.
Change your rewards token whenever you like. Handy if you want to reward your raiders with partner tokens for a limited time.
Reward conditions based on the number of tokens in the raider's wallet
You can differentiate rewards between Standard X and Premium X accounts.
Launch two rewarded raids at the same time with
Just before each raid, you can choose to boost it with a multiplier. You’ll see the impact of applying a X2 at the last moment! It really makes a difference!
You can choose to reward raiders even if not all targets are reached within 5mins, 15 mins or 30 mins. Or only if all targets are reached.
Raiders must be part of your Telegram community to be eligible for rewards.
Anti/robot based on the experience of each community.
Reward the creators of X posts.
Queue of upcoming raids with the
commandA dashboard providing a detailed history of raids, rewarded or not.
This is just the beginning. Crazy features are being developed for V1.1 🤯
Last updated