🛡ī¸Reward conditions

You can set up reward conditions for your raids. These conditions ensure that the rewarded raiders are legitimate

đŸŽ¯ All targets are reached for rewards

By enabling this option, the bot rewards raiders only if the raid has reached these targets within 15 minutes (Likes, Reposts, Replies and Bookmarks). If the raid does not reach the targets, the raiders will not receive rewards, and the reason will be displayed on the dashboard.

🤏 Minimum Token required

By enabling this option, you can set a requirement for holding a Solana token. Typically, you'll specify your own token, but it can be any Solana token.

You can set either a dollar amount or a fixed token amount. If you choose a dollar amount, the number of tokens will automatically adjust for each raid based on the token's price. For example, if you set a minimum of $5, the bot will calculate the equivalent token amount at the start of each raid.

Before distributing raid rewards, the bot will verify that the raider is legitimate and holds at least the specified amount in their wallet registered with the MRM bot.

Updating a wallet can take up to 1 hour. If you have added tokens to your wallet to meet reward conditions, please wait one hour for this to be taken into account or launch /update to be taken into account immediately

A raider who registers a wallet on the MRM bot that is not their own risks losing everything. Claims can only be made from the wallet provided during the raider's registration using the /signup or /signup w command.

Changing your wallet results in a reset of your rewards. Therefore, you must claim all your earned tokens before registering a new wallet.

âŦ†ī¸ Account X > 1 month

This condition is a safeguard against spam accounts or farmers that do not add any value to the community. By enabling this option, all accounts (except Premium accounts) created less than one month ago will not be eligible to receive raid rewards.

đŸ–ŧī¸ Reply with meme for rewards

If this option is enabled, it checks that a reply to a post includes a meme (GIF, video, or image). If the response does not contain a meme, the bot will not distribute a reward for that reply.

đŸ‘Ĩ Rewards for TG group members

This option is enabled by default; it checks that the raider is indeed a member of the community's Telegram group.

Last updated